Sort The Historic Events #27

The first functioning laser is invented by Theodore Maiman
Mobile web was first commercially offered in Finland
First sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight by Wright brothers
Charles Martin Hall and Paul Héroult invent the process for economically producing aluminum
Lester Allan Pelton invents the Pelton wheel
Correct guesses on each try:

How to play? is a sorting game. In each game you are given a list of items in random order. Your goal is to sort the items in the correct order in as few tries as possible. You simply drag and drop the items into the correct order and press "Guess".

About this game

Step back in time and explore some of the most groundbreaking discoveries and milestones in human history! From revolutionary inventions to pivotal scientific breakthroughs, each event has shaped the world we live in today. Can you accurately determine which of these historic moments happened first?

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