Sort these Sean Penn movies by release year

The Thin Red Line
Mystic River
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
The Game
I Am Sam
Correct guesses on each try:

How to play? is a sorting game. In each game you are given a list of items in random order. Your goal is to sort the items in the correct order in as few tries as possible. You simply drag and drop the items into the correct order and press "Guess".

About this game

Sean Penn is an acclaimed American actor, director, and producer known for his intense performances and commitment to his craft. With a career spanning over three decades, he has garnered numerous awards, including two Academy Awards for Best Actor for his roles in "Mystic River" and "Milk." Beyond his film work, Penn is also recognized for his activism and humanitarian efforts, particularly in response to global crises. In this game your job is to sort Sean Penn movies by release year.

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